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310 Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage

          Note: This category should be used only for conditions where the form of the
           disorder is determined by the brain pathology.
          Excludes: neuroses, personality disorders, or other nonpsychotic conditions
           occurring in a form similar to that seen with functional
           disorders but in association with a physical condition; code
           to 300.-, 300.-, etc., and use additional code to identify
           the physical condition

310.0 Frontal lobe syndrome

          Changes in behavior following damage to the frontal areas of the brain or
          following interference with the connections of those areas. There is a general
          diminution of self-control, foresight, creativity and spontaneity, which may
          be manifest as increased irritability, selfishness, restlessness and lack of
          concern for others. Conscientiousness and powers of concentration are often
          diminished, but measurable deterioration of intellect or memory is not
          necessarily present. The overall picture is often one of emotional dullness,
          lack of drive and slowness; but, particularly in persons previously with
          energetic, restless or aggressive characteristics, there may be a change
          towards impulsiveness, boastfulness, temper outbursts, silly fatuous humour,
          and the development of unrealistic ambitions; the direction of change usually
          depends upon the previous personality. A considerable degree of recovery is
          possible and continue over the course of several years.
          Lobotomy syndrome Postleucotomy syndrome [state]
          Excludes: postcontusional syndrome (310.2)

310.1 Cognitive or personality change of other type

          Chronic, mild states of memory disturbance and intellectual deterioration,
          often accompanied by increased irritability, querulousness, lassitude and
          complaints of physical weakness. These states are often associated with old
          age, and may precede more severe states due to brain damage classifiable under
          dementia of any type (290.-,and 294.-) or any condition in 293.-(Transient
          organic psychotic conditions).
          Mild memory disturbance
          Organic psychosyndrome of nonpsychotic severity

310.2 Postconcussional syndrome

          States occurring after generalized contusion of the brain, in which the
          symptom picture may resemble that of the frontal lobe syndrome (310.0) or that
          of any of the neurotic disorders (300.0-300.9), but in which in addition,
          headache, giddiness, fatigue, insomnia and a subjective feeling of impaired
          intellectual ability are usually prominent. Mood may fluctuate, and quite
          ordinary stress may produce exaggerated fear and apprehension. There may be
          marked intolerance of mental and physical exertion, undue sensitivity to
          noise, and hypochondriacal preoccupation. The symptoms are more common in
          persons who have previously suffered from neurotic or personality disorders or
          when there is a possibility of compensation. This syndrome is particularly
          associated with the closed type of head injury when signs of localized brain
          damage are slight or absent, but it may also occur in other conditions.
          Postcontusional syndrome (encephalopathy)
          Post-traumatic brain syndrome, nonpsychotic
          Status postcommotio cerebri
          Excludes: frontal lobe syndrome (310.0)
           postencephalitic syndrome (310.8)
           any organic psychotic conditions following head injury
           (290.- to 294.0)

310.8 Other

          Include here disorders resembling the postcontusional syndrome(310.2),
          associated with infective or other diseases of the brain or surrounding
          Other focal (partial) organic psychosyndromes

310.9 Unspecified

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