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583 Nephritis and nephropathy, not specified as acute or chronic

          Includes: "renal disease" so described, not specified as acute or chronic
           but with stated pathology or cause

583.0 With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis

           glomerulonephritis NOS
           nephritis NOS
          Proliferative nephropathy NOS

583.1 With lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis

           glomerulonephritis NOS
           nephritis NOS
           Membranous nephropathy NOS

583.2 With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

           glomerulonephritis NOS
           nephritis NOS
           nephropathy NOS
          Nephritis NOS, with lesion of:
           hypocomplementemic persistent glomerulonephritis
           lobular glomerulonephritis
           mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
           mixed membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis

583.4 With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

          Necrotizing or rapidly progressive:
           glomerulitis NOS
           glomerulonephritis NOS
           nephritis NOS
           nephropathy NOS
          Nephritis, unspecified, with lesion of necrotizing glomerulitis

583.6 With lesion of renal cortical necrosis

          Nephritis NOS with (renal) cortical necrosis
          Nephropathy NOS with (renal) cortical necrosis
          Renal cortical necrosis NOS

583.7 With lesion of renal medullary necrosis

          Nephritis NOS with (renal) medullary [papillary] necrosis
          Nephropathy NOS with (renal) medullary [papillary] necrosis

583.8 With other specified pathological lesion in kidney

          Glomerulitis }
          Glomerulonephritis} with:
          Nephritis } lesion of interstitial nephritis
          Nephropathy }
          Renal disease }

583.9 With unspecified pathological lesion in kidney

          Glomerulitis NOS
          Glomerulonephritis NOS
          Nephritis NOS
          Nephropathy NOS
          Excludes: nephropathy complicating pregnancy, labor, or the puerperium
           (642.-, 646.2)
           renal disease NOS with no stated cause (593.9)
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