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639 Complications following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancies

          [Not to be used for underlying cause of death]
          Note: This category is provided for use when it is required to classify
           separately the complications listed at fourth-digit level in
           categories 634-638; for example:
           a) when the complication itself was responsible for an episode
           of medical care, the abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy
           itself having been dealt with at a previous episode
           b) when these conditions are immediate complications of ectopic
           or molar pregnancies classifiable to 630-633 where they
           cannot be identified at fourth-digit level.

639.0 Genital tract and pelvic infection

          Endometritis following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Parametritis following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Pelvic peritonitis following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Salpingitis following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Salpingo-oophoritis following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Sepsis NOS following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Septicemia NOS following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Excludes: urinary tract infection (639.8)

639.1 Delayed or excessive hemorrhage

          Afibrinogenemia following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Defibrination syndrome following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Intravascular hemolysis following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.2 Damage to pelvic organs and tissues

          Laceration, perforation, or tear of:
           bladder following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           bowel following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           broad ligament following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           cervix following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           periurethral tissue following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           uterus following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.3 Renal failure

          Oliguria following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           failure (acute) following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           shutdown following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           tubular necrosis following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Uremia following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.4 Metabolic disorders

          Electrolyte imbalance following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.5 Shock

          Circulatory collapse following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Shock (postoperative) (septic) following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.6 Embolism

           NOS following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           air following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           amniotic fluid following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           blood-clot following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           pulmonary following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           pyemic following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           septic following conditions classifiable to 630-638
           soap following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.8 Other specified complications

          Cardiac arrest or failure following conditions classifiable to 630-638
          Cerebral anoxia following conditions classifiable to 630-638

639.9 Unspecified complications following conditions classifiable to

          Includes: the listed conditions even if they arose or were present during
           labor, delivery, or the puerperium
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