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768 Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia

768.2 Fetal distress before onset of labor, in liveborn infant

          Liveborn infant showing evidence of intrauterine hypoxia before onset of labor
          Abnormal fetal heart rate }
          Fetal or intrauterine: }
           acidosis }
           anoxia } first noted before onset of
           asphyxia } labor, liveborn infant
           distress }
           hypoxia }
          Meconium in liquor }
          Passage of meconium }

768.3 Fetal distress first noted during labor, in liveborn infant

          Liveborn infant showing evidence of intrauterine hypoxia during labor or
          Abnormal fetal heart rate }
          Fetal or intrauterine: }
           acidosis }
           anoxia } first noted during labor or
           asphyxia } delivery, liveborn infant
           distress }
           hypoxia }
          Meconium in liquor }
          Passage of meconium }

768.4 Fetal distress, unspecified, in liveborn infant

          Liveborn infant showing evidence of intrauterine hypoxia before delivery, but
           not stated whether before or after onset of labor
          Abnormal fetal heart rate }
          Fetal or intrauterine: }
           acidosis }
           anoxia } not stated whether first noted
           asphyxia } before or after onset of
           distress } labor, liveborn infant
           hypoxia }
          Meconium in liquor }
          Passage of meconium }

768.5 Severe birth asphyxia

          Pulse less than 100 per minute at birth and falling or steady, respiration
           absent or gasping, color poor, tone absent
          1-minute Apgar score 0-3 1/
          "White asphyxia"

768.6 Mild or moderate birth asphyxia

          Normal respiration not established within one minute, but heart rate 100 or
           above, some muscle tone present, some response to stimulation
          1-minute Apgar score 4-7 1/
          "Blue asphyxia"
          1/ The Apgar scoring system is described in: Apgar, V. Anesthesia and
           Analgesia...Current Researches, 32: 260 (1953)

768.9 Unspecified birth asphyxia in liveborn infant

          Anoxia NOS, in liveborn infant
          Asphyxia NOS, in liveborn infant
          Hypoxia NOS, in liveborn infant
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