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779 Other and ill-defined conditions originating in the perinatal period

779.0 Convulsions in newborn

          Fits in newborn Seizures in newborn

779.1 Other and unspecified cerebral irritability in newborn

779.2 Cerebral depression, coma, and other abnormal cerebral signs

779.3 Feeding problems in newborn

          Regurgitation of feeds in newborn
          Slow feeding in newborn
          Vomiting in newborn

779.4 Drug reactions and intoxications specific to newborn

          Gray syndrome from chloramphenicol administration in newborn
          Excludes: reactions and intoxications from maternal opiates and
           tranquilizers (763.5)

779.5 Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn

          Drug withdrawal syndrome in infant of dependent mother

779.6 Termination of pregnancy (fetus)

779.8 Other

779.9 Unspecified

          Congenital debility NOS
          This section includes symptoms, signs, abnormal results of laboratory or other
          investigative procedures, and ill-defined conditions regarding which no
          diagnosis classifiable elsewhere is recorded.
          Signs and symptoms that point rather definitely to a given diagnosis are
          assigned to some category in the preceding part of the classification. In
          general, categories 780-796 include the more ill-defined conditions and
          symptoms that point with perhaps equal suspicion to two or more diseases or to
          two or more systems of the body, and without the necessary study of the case
          to make a final diagnosis. Practically all categories in this group could be
          designated as "not otherwise specified," or as "unknown etiology," or as
          The conditions and signs or symptoms included in categories 780-796 consist
          of: (a) cases for which no more specific diagnosis can be made even after all
          facts bearing on the case have been investigated; (b) signs or symptoms
          existing at the time of initial encounter that proved to be transient and
          whose causes could not be determined; (c) provisional diagnoses in a patient
          who failed to return for further investigation or care; (d) cases referred
          elsewhere for investigation or treatment before the diagnosis was made; (e)
          cases in which a more precise diagnosis was not available for any other
          reason; (f) certain symptoms which represent important problems in medical
          care and which it might be desired to classify in addition to a known cause.
           SYMPTOMS (780-789)
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