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752 Congenital anomalies of genital organs

          Excludes: syndromes associated with anomalies in the
           number and form of chromosomes (758.-)
           testicular feminization syndrome (251.8)

752.0 Anomalies of ovaries

          Absence (of) ovary Streak (of) ovary
          Agenesis (of) ovary

752.1 Anomalies of fallopian tubes and broad ligaments

          Absence (of) fallopian tube or broad ligament
          Accessory (of) fallopian tube or broad ligament
          Atresia (of) fallopian tube or broad ligament
           Gartner's duct

752.2 Doubling of uterus

          Doubling of uterus [any degree] (associated with doubling of cervix
           and vagina)

752.3 Other anomalies of uterus

          Absence of uterus Bicornuate uterus
          Agenesis of uterus Uterus unicornis
          Aplasia of uterus Uterus with only one functioning horn

752.4 Anomalies of cervix, vagina, and external female genitalia

          Absence of cervix, clitoris, vagina, or vulva
          Agenesis of cervix, clitoris, vagina, or vulva
          Anomalous development of cervix, clitoris, vagina, or vulva
          Cyst of:
           canal of Nuck, congenital
           vagina, embryonal
           vulva, congenital
          Imperforate hymen
          Excludes: double vagina associated with total duplication (752.2)

752.5 Undescended testicle

          Cryptorchism Ectopic testis

752.6 Hypospadias and epispadias

          Anaspadias Congenital chordee

752.7 Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphroditism

          Gynandrism Pseudohermaphroditism (male) (female)
          Hermaphroditism Pure gonadal dysgenesis
          Excludes: pseudohermaphroditism:
           female, with adrenocortical disorder (255.2)
           male, with gonadal disorder (257.9)
           with specified chromosomal anomaly (758.-)

752.8 Other specified anomalies of genital organs

          Absence of: Curvature of penis (lateral)
           penis Fusion of testes
           prostate Hypoplasia of:
           spermatic cord penis
          Aplasia (congenital) of: testis
           prostate Monorchism
           round ligament Paraspadias
           testicle Polyorchism
          Atresia of:
           ejaculatory duct
           vas deferens
          Excludes: congenital hydrocele (778.6)

752.9 Unspecified anomalies of genital organs

           anomaly NOS of genital organ, not elsewhere classified
           deformity NOS of genital organ, not elsewhere classified
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