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289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs

289.0 Secondary polycythemia

          Polycythemia: Polycythemia, due to
           acquired erythropoietin
           due to: hypoxemic
           fall in plasma volume nephrogenous
           high altitude relative
           emotional stress
          Excludes: polycythemia neonatorum (776.4)
           polycythemia vera (238.4)

289.1 Chronic lymphadenitis

           adenitis, any lymph node except mesenteric
           lymphadenitis, any lymph node except mesenteric
          Excludes: acute lymphadenitis (683)
           mesenteric (289.2)
           enlarged glands NOS (785.6)

289.2 Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis

          Mesenteric lymphadenitis (acute) (chronic)

289.3 Lymphadenitis, unspecified, except mesenteric

289.4 Hypersplenism

289.5 Other diseases of spleen

          Atrophy of spleen Chronic congestive splenomegaly
          Cyst of spleen Fibrosis of spleen:
          Infarction of spleen NOS
          Rupture, nontraumatic of spleen Perisplenitis
          Excludes: splenomegaly NOS (789.2)

289.6 Familial polycythemia

           benign polycythemia

289.7 Methemoglobinemia

          Congenital NADH-methemoglobin-reductase deficiency
          Hemoglobin M disease
           acquired (with sulfhemoglobinemia)
          Use additional E code, if desired, to identify cause

289.8 Other

289.9 Unspecified

          This section of the Classification differs from the others in that it includes
          a glossary, prepared after consultation with experts from many different
          countries, defining the contents of the rubrics. This difference is
          considered to be justified because of the special problems posed for
          psychiatrists by the relative lack of independent laboratory information upon
          which to base their diagnoses. The diagnosis of many of the most important
          mental disorders still relies largely upon descriptions of abnormal experience
          and behavior, and without some guidance in the form of a glossary that can
          serve as a common frame of reference, psychiatric communications easily become
          unsatisfactory at both clinical and statistical levels.
          Many well-known terms have different meanings in current use. It is important
          for the user to use the glossary descriptions and not merely the category
          titles when searching for the best fit for the condition he is trying to code.
          This is particularly important if a separate national glossary also exists.
          The instructions "Use additional code to identify..." are important because
          of the nature of many psychiatric conditions in which two or more codes are
          necessary to describe the condition and the associated or causal factors.
          It should be used whenever possible.
          PSYCHOSES (290-299)
          Mental disorders in which impairment of mental function has developed to a
          degree that interferes grossly with insight, ability to meet some ordinary
          demands of life or to maintain adequate contact with reality. It is not an
          exact or well defined term. Mental retardation is excluded.
          Syndromes in which there is impairment of orientation, memory, comprehension,
          calculation, learning capacity and judgement. These are the essential
          features but there may also be shallowness or lability of affect, or a more
          persistent disturbance of mood, lowering of ethical standards and exaggeration
          or emergence of personality traits, and diminished capacity for independent
          Psychoses of the types classifiable to 295-298 and without the above features
          are excluded even though they may be associated with organic conditions.
          The term "dementia" in this glossary includes organic psychoses as just
          specified, of a chronic or progressive nature, which if untreated are usually
          irreversible and terminal.
          The term "delirium" in this glossary includes organic psychoses with a short
          course in which the above features are overshadowed by clouded consciousness,
          confusion, disorientation, delusions, illusions and often vivid
          Includes: psychotic organic brain syndrome
          Excludes: nonpsychotic syndromes of organic etiology (see 310.-)
           psychoses classifiable to 295-298 and without the above
           features but associated with physical disease, injury, or
           condition affecting the brain [e.g., following childbirth]
           code to 295-298 and use additional code to identify the
           associated physical condition.
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